Thanks to its high collection efficiency of submicronic particles and to its strong electric field, the Expansion Electronic filter has an elevated antibacterial power and is active on pollen, fine dust, toner, mold, smog, viruses, bacteria and tobacco smoke.The contaminants, according to their size, can enter inside our body and wear out certain organs. Among the most dangerous airborne substances we find Legionella, a very topical problem that causes millions of deaths every year. With electrostatic filters this problem is eliminated as pollen, dust mites, fungus and other contaminants are captured and inactivated.
The efficiency of bacteria removal is 98-99% on:
- Airborne bacteria, such as Micrococcus luteus;
- Yeast, such as Rhodotorula rubra;
- Bacillus Anthracis;
- Molds and germs present in the natual spectrum of air.
The Hygiene Institute of Berlin, which has been operating since a long time on the research, ventilation, environmental technology, medicine and hygiene fields, has certified that Expansion Electronic electrostatic filters are able to remove from the air the airborne bacteria, yeasts and molds with a level of efficiency that goes from 98% to 99%.
Take a look at the main features of our technologies.